Monday, November 19, 2007

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - Top Cellulite Treatment Tips

Cellulite is a condition where fat is pushed through cell walls into the middle layer of skin and shows at the most outer layer of the skin.

While not life threatening, millions of people around the world are afflicted and many feel insecure as they believe that the parts of their body affected does not look good.

Cellulite can develop in anyone, irregardless of age, race, weight, gender or height.

Having said this, from an age perspective, the condition is more evident in elderly people as cellulite appears as big hideous bumps and lumps.

Also, over 80% of women over the age of 20 are affected by cellulite.

Women are affected more than men because hormonal variation and the fact that women have thinner dermis and epidermis tissue layers in the thigh and buttock areas.

It can also develop in people who exercise regularly, although such cases are less evident compared to people who do not exercise at all.

More and more people are turning to surgical procedures for cellulite treatment. As there are surgical risks involved in addition to the high cost, surgery should be considered last resort for this non-life threatening condition.

There are fortunately “do it yourself” cellulite treatment tips (less expensive than surgical) known to help in minimizing stubborn areas.

Here are the top 3 (three) cellulite treatment tips:

1. Use high-quality cellulite cream to reduce cellulite in those problem zones.

2. Exercises that improve your blood circulation and help burn excessive calories.

3. Have healthy meals by taking food with less calories or with low fat content.

Other useful tips include:

- Have plenty of water daily as the skin reflects the internal state of health and nutrition.

- Get regular massage to help you relax and remove the build up of fat deposition.

- Go for spa treatments designed to increase blood circulation and break down the fatty deposits.

- Promote the formation of healthy skin by using a skin brush to remove dead skin.

- Use aromatherapy oil bend (after bath or exercise) to massage the body areas affected by cellulite.

On this blog, I’ve placed some helpful resources relating to the top 3 “how to get rid of cellulite” tips outlined above.

Cellulite Treatment Resources

Cream To Control Unsightly Cellulite and Eliminate Inches Fast. Apply To Thigh, Waist, Tummy, or Chin and Watch the Fat Disappear.
Revitol Cellulite Cream

Easy to Understand, Step by Step Cellulite Reduction Plan With Fast Results. Audio Course With Action Guide PLUS Bonus Anti-Cellulite Hypnosis Recording.
Conquer Your Cellulite

Natural Methods That Overcome Cellulite Fast. EBook With “Looking Younger Without Surgery” and “Health and Beauty Secrets” Bonus Guides.
Banishing Cellulite Once and For All

Contains All-Natural Nutritional Ingredient That Allows Intake of Carbohydrates With Less Calories. Comes with Bonus Weight Loss Hypnosis Audio and E-Book with 71 Proven Weight Loss Techniques.
Dietrine Carb Blocker

Acupuncture for cellulite? by Sharon Bell

Are you terrified every time you put on your swimsuit? Do you feel like hiding under a rock at the beach? Or burying yourself in the sand every time somebody passes by? How about when you go to the pool or wearing shorts in public? You just know that everyone is looking at your cellulite infested legs.

The worst thing is you are also embarrassed even around your husband or boyfriend, the people that love and know you best. You've got to do something about your cellulite problem. Stop hiding and face it once and for all.

Thousands of women are plagued with this unsightly condition. While we've never heard of someone whose life was threatened by cellulite, it does affect one's image and well-being. Women all over the world are bothered by cellulite as evidenced by millions of dollars that are spent each year on treatments that claim to reduce cellulite

For those who want a less invasive treatment, acupuncture may be a good alternative. Acupuncture is based on certain principles of Oriental medicine. The process involves inserting hair-thin needles into certain points on the body to target problem areas.

The Chinese medical approach to this problem involves strengthening spleen energy with acupuncture and herbs. But the treatment must be tailored individually since each person requires a different balancing of energies.

A combination of dieting and exercise is a good strategy to eliminate cellulite. But fat deposits are locked away and cannot be readily used as fuel. This is why acupuncture is an important solution in fighting cellulite.

The good thing about acupuncture is that it improves metabolic function and detoxifies tissues. It also promotes elimination of fat and cellulite and helps eliminate the "orange peel" appearance of the skin.

There are several solutions on the market for those who want to decrease or prevent the appearance of cellulite. Topical creams like Celluthin work by directly targeting fat and cellulite with every application. Celluthin's potent active ingredients are quickly absorbed by fat cells and work by reducing the appearance of stubborn fat and cellulite. Check out today and learn how to reduce your cellulite problem.

About the Author

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine