Monday, November 19, 2007

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - Top Cellulite Treatment Tips

Cellulite is a condition where fat is pushed through cell walls into the middle layer of skin and shows at the most outer layer of the skin.

While not life threatening, millions of people around the world are afflicted and many feel insecure as they believe that the parts of their body affected does not look good.

Cellulite can develop in anyone, irregardless of age, race, weight, gender or height.

Having said this, from an age perspective, the condition is more evident in elderly people as cellulite appears as big hideous bumps and lumps.

Also, over 80% of women over the age of 20 are affected by cellulite.

Women are affected more than men because hormonal variation and the fact that women have thinner dermis and epidermis tissue layers in the thigh and buttock areas.

It can also develop in people who exercise regularly, although such cases are less evident compared to people who do not exercise at all.

More and more people are turning to surgical procedures for cellulite treatment. As there are surgical risks involved in addition to the high cost, surgery should be considered last resort for this non-life threatening condition.

There are fortunately “do it yourself” cellulite treatment tips (less expensive than surgical) known to help in minimizing stubborn areas.

Here are the top 3 (three) cellulite treatment tips:

1. Use high-quality cellulite cream to reduce cellulite in those problem zones.

2. Exercises that improve your blood circulation and help burn excessive calories.

3. Have healthy meals by taking food with less calories or with low fat content.

Other useful tips include:

- Have plenty of water daily as the skin reflects the internal state of health and nutrition.

- Get regular massage to help you relax and remove the build up of fat deposition.

- Go for spa treatments designed to increase blood circulation and break down the fatty deposits.

- Promote the formation of healthy skin by using a skin brush to remove dead skin.

- Use aromatherapy oil bend (after bath or exercise) to massage the body areas affected by cellulite.

On this blog, I’ve placed some helpful resources relating to the top 3 “how to get rid of cellulite” tips outlined above.

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